Since 1954, we’ve been the leader in oral health and dental benefits. At Delta Dental of Washington, we believe your smile’s health is key to your overall well-being and are dedicated to providing our members with the best access to in-network dental providers.
At Delta Dental, we protect over 89 million smiles – more than any other dental benefits provider. With the largest network of dentists nationwide, including Delta Dental in-network dentists near you, we offer accomplished claims administration, and personalized service.
The Delta Dental Difference
Prevention as a focus to maintain healthy mouth and prevent disease.
Wide range of plans for the best care.
Most plans have no-cost preventive care, including fluoride and sealants.
Best-in-class prevention for kids.
Provider compensation is linked to preventive care.
Nation’s largest dental provider network
Direct contracts with all Delta Dental providers.
8 out of 10 U.S. dentist are in our network, which means members have more providers close to their homes.
Highly satisfied members: 9.5/10 rating for overall experience with their Delta Dental providers near them.
Effortless benefits
Easy-to-understand benefits.
Hassle-free customer service.
Online member portal for easy estimates and benefits review.
Prompt claims payments.
98.6% first call resolution.
Invest in the community and infrastructure
We’re a not-for-profit company, focused on improving oral health.